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Please email your questions for this page!!!

Please do not be shy about asking your questions.

If you want your question to be answered here, send us an email to

Add a title to your email: "The question for your Q&A."

Also, please tell us if you want your name to appear with your question or if your initials would be enough.

We will post your question here as soon as we will have your answer.

Thank you for your support and help.

1. Q: Why is your clinic called HFMC?


A: The HFMC is short for Hurmatov's Family Medical Clinic.

2. Does Dr. Hurmatov accept new patients?


A: Dr. Hurmatov Does not accept new patients right now.

3. Q: I made several calls, but no one answered. How can I reach the clinic?


A: Please leave a voice message with your name and phone number, and I will call you as soon as I can, 

or you can email your question to, and I will respond to your email.



4. Q: My pharmacy sent several requests for my prescription renewal, and you did not respond.

     How long does it take for you to respond to the Prescription request?


A: Please read our Prescription Renewal PolicyDr. Hurmatov

does not renew medications over the phone, email, or fax.



5. Q: I posted a review on Google, why no one has replied to it?


A: We do not reply publicly to anyone, especially regarding reviews. 

We will contact the patient directly if the review needs to be answered.

 Most negative reviews are posted anonymously, or under names we do not recognize.

We don't see a point in responding to someone's hate campaign.



6. Q: Our previous family doctor did not allow us to see other doctors or go to walk-in clinics.

    Can we get a second opinion from another family doctor or go to a walk-in clinic?


A:  Dr. Hurmatov is not in any Medical Health Group or Organization. All patients of Dr. Hurmatov

are free to obtain a second opinion from any MD or visit the walk-in clinic.



7. Q: I am Dr. Hurmatov's patient, but I also see a Naturopathic doctor.

    Does Dr. Hurmatov support a patient seen by Naturopath?


A:  Dr. Hurmatov accepts the idea of any safe treatment as long as she knows all the information about it.  â€‹


8. Q: My Naturopath wants me to do blood work.

    Can Dr. Hurmatov give me a requisition for it?


A:  Dr. Hurmatov must have all medical information from Naturopath

and decide whether or not to do investigations after reviewing it.

Your naturopath can provide you with blood work requisition based on his/her decision.


9. Q: My chiropractor wants me to do some tests.

    Can Dr. Hurmatov give me a requisition for it?


A:  Dr. Hurmatov must have all medical information from a chiropractor 

and decide whether or not to do investigations after reviewing it.

Your chiropractor can provide the requisition based on his/her decision.


10. Q: Can you send a copy of my results to my chiropractor or naturopath?


A:  Your other health providers must request a copy of your results with

a copy of your consent to release your information.

 We will fax the requested information as soon

as the request and consent are received.

11. Q: Can I have a copy of my results?


A: Most laboratories have a website where you can see and download your results for free.

If you need a copy of your results printed in the clinic, there is a charge for such service:

The copy up to 10 pages is $1.00 per page

Copy of your chart: The first 20 pages are $30.00 and $0.25 for each additional page. 

12. Q: I forgot what the doctor told me during the appointment.

          Can she call me and repeat it for me?


A: Unfortunately, it is your responsibility to remember what has been discussed during your appointment.

 Sometimes, the doctor makes written notes for the patients regarding their treatment plans,

if you need these notes, ask the doctor before the appointment starts.

Dr. Hurmatov does not provide telephone appointments;

you must call the clinic and schedule an appointment.


14. Q: My parents gave me the Power of Attorney  (P.O.A.).

          Why did your office refuse to provide me with the medical information of my parents?


A: First, your parents must bring a copy of the P.O.A. to the clinic for their file.

 Second, the P.O.A. does not consent to release medical information. The Power of Attorney Act

is a mechanism to authorize the use of a power of attorney, a legally binding document

with which a person (the grantor) grants another person (the attorney) the ability to act on

their behalf in the event they are unable to make their own decisions.

Until your parent is declared incompetent, the P.O.A. has no legal grounds in the

process of making decisions or obtaining information. 

For more information, please consult with your lawyer. â€‹

15. Q: Why can I book an online appointment only for one issue at a time?


A: When someone book an appointment online, the system blocks the regular appointment

spot in the schedule; remember, you must write the reasons for

an appointment when you book. This system cannot recognize your need for extra time

or the urgency of your problem.  When you call the clinic for an appointment, you will be asked

several questions before booking an appointment, meaning you will be triaged.

Then, the appointment time will be given based on your described issue.




16. Q: You used to book urgent, same-day appointments for me; why you no longer allow me to have any urgent appointments?


A: When a patient was given an urgent appointment, it was based on the description

of his/her health problems and issues he or she presented during the call.

Sometimes, the patient must go to an emergency room due to his/her health condition.

Remember, we are not the hospital and not an emergency department.

However, we are always trying to accommodate those who require immediate help.

Unfortunately, some people lie about their issues and receive an urgent 

appointment; they come to the clinic for non-urgent reasons.

When this happens, a note will be made in the chart. 

 When this person lies to us again to get an urgent same-day appointment without any

urgent issue, the note in the patient's chart will be made that a patient repeatedly lies about his/her health issues

to get an urgent same-day appointment.

 As a result, this patient will be asked to go to the emergency room every time he or she calls

for an urgent appointment, and this patient will receive only regular appointments.





“Men are respectable only as they respect.”
                                                       Ralph Waldo Emerson

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